
An example of what a small 3 room school house typically looks like in Uganda

What are we fundraising for?

The Atai Orphanage Fund is a registered 501(c)(3) charity with a mission to provide food, clothing, education, permanent housing, and vital health services to the Orphans of the Teso District of Northern Uganda. The organization is operated by unpaid volunteers and all proceeds from any fundraiser is used to meet the needs of the children. Thanks to the generous support from friends of Atai, we are now housing 54 children in two houses and several huts within Atai Village. We are also feeding more than 100 – 150 children from neighboring villages two meals a day using food grown on our farm land!

Trivia Night

The Annual Trivia Night is normally held in spring. Our next trivia night event will be held on --TBD-- at the Overland Community Center. Check in starts at 4:30 pm. Game play starts promptly at 5:00 pm. Please keep an eye on Facebook for details about this upcoming event.

Tickets for trivia night will be available at the door the night of the event. You can pay with cash, check or credit card. You can also pre-purchase your seats using your Paypal account or credit card by selecting the number of guests from the drop down and clicking the buy now button below. This year we will be allowing up to 8 people per table at a price of $25 per person.

A Village of the Heart Dinner and Auction

Our dinner auction is held in the fall of each year. The cost of the event is $65 per person or $520 per table. Tables will hold up to 8 people. This year's event will be held on Friday November 8th at the All Occasion Banquet Center in Saint Charles Missouri. The doors will open at 6pm and the dinner will be served at approximately 7:30pm. When attending this event, you will enjoy some delicious food and dessert and help raise some money to enhance the living conditions for the children of Atai Orphanage. We have both silent and oral auction items to bid on at these events.

We will post photos and additional details for each fundraising event on our facebook page at A Facebook account is not required to view our facebook page.

Suggest A Fundraiser

We are open to new fundraising ideas. If you would like to organize a fundraiser of your own, just let us know how we can help. If you would like to donate your venue, your time, or your ideas, please feel free to email us at

Atai Wish List

(Expressed in US dollars)

Mini Van completed
Land for new Home completed
Land for Farming completed
Christian Education Center $200,000
9 Acres of Perimeter Fencing $20,000
New Home Construction completed
Rain Water Collection System completed
Deep Water Well $12,000
Outdoor Kitchen $8,000
Outdoor Latrines completed
Bed, Desk & Dresser
$250 per child
Dining Area Furniture $3,000
Solar Electric completed
Medical Center $50,000

It currently costs $615 a year for full support of each younger child, and $1600 a year to support each older child (includes cost to send them to high school.)

Donate Now

Send checks to:

Atai Orphanage Fund

P.O. Box 1966

Saint Charles, Missouri 63302


Donate online at:

© 2003-2023 Atai Orphanage. All Rights Reserved